Meet Milan Kusmuk - Scholarship recipient March 2017

„Mašinstvo predstavlja spoj mehanike, matematike, umjetnosti, vizuelnog prikazivanja i razvoja tehničkih sistema“, kaže Kusmuk.

Student treće godine na osnovnim studijama Mašinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu, Milan Kusmuk dobitnik je više stipendija, od kojih je jedna od najznačajnijih stipendija njemačke pokrajine Baden-Württemberg, kojom mu je omogućila učešće na jednogodišnjem AFS programu interkulturalnog učenja kroz razmjenu srednjoškolaca. Kusmuk je dobitnik i stipendije „Dr Milan Jelić“, te stipendije Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation zahvaljući kojoj mu je pružena prilika da svoju karijeru nastavi sarađujući sa emanentnim svjetskim stručnjacima na raznim projektima. „U slobodno vrijeme čitam knjige iz oblasti filozofije, psihologije i menadžmenta, jer smatram da je to nešto što svaki čovjek treba da izučava pored svoje struke, kao temelj za kvalitetniji interpersonalni, emocionalni i duhovni život. Pored studiranja dosta vremena posvećujem i volontiranju. Kao American Field Service (AFS) alumni, volonterskim zalaganjem i trudom izabran sam za predsjednika Upravnog odbora UG ‘Interkulturni susreti u Bosni i Hercegovini’, Udruženja koje sprovodi AFS programe u BIH, te za Direktora Predstavništva AFS Intercultural programs, Inc. u Bosni i Hercegovini“, kaže na početku razgovora Kusmuk. Pitali smo ga i koliko je njegovo interesovanje i motivacija za Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu na što odgovara kako je to rezultat želje da objedinim više oblasti, kojimase želi baviti. Smatra kako mašinstvo predstavlja spoj mehanike, matematike, umjetnosti, vizuelnog prikazivanja i razvoja tehničkih sistema kao rezultata potreba korisnika. Također navodi kako je prednost mašinstva u odnosu na druge oblasti je vrlo značajna, te kako je gleda kao dio inženjerskih nauka, jer trenutno se sve više nameće potreba za saradnjom među različitim oblastima u inženjerstvu.


Pravac razvoja nauke

„Ako se okrenemo oko sebe možemo se uvjeriti da su inženjeri tehničkih nauka, postali graditelji naše budućnosti određujući u kom pravcu će se nauka razvijati, kojom brzinom, ali i ono što je najbitnije određuje ekonomiju, politiku i standard života kako pojedinca tako i cijelog društva, države. Primjer toga iz oblasti mašinstva jesu transportna sredstva; informacione tehnologije u oblasti elektrotehnike, te izrada implantata i aparata u medicinske svrhe kao spoj te dvije oblasti itd. Gdje su tehničke nauke na visokom nivou, sa visokim ulaganjima, tu je država i ekonomija na zavidnom nivou“, ističe Kusmuk. Pitali smo ga postoji li određena oblast studija koja ga je posebno ineteresovala na što odgovara kako je od samog početka studiranja zainteresovan za oblast Inženjerskog dizajna proizvoda, što je ujedno i naziv smjera na kojem trenutno studira. „Ovim opredjeljenjem sam neznatno suzio svoj pravac daljeg profesionalnog usavršavanja.Inženjerski dizajn/konstruisanje, predstavlja kreativni proces i prvu fazu životnog vijeka, rađanje jednog proizvoda, te kao takav daje mi mogućnost da svoje ideje, ulazne informacije za proces konstruisanja, pretvorim u konkretan tehnički sistem. Ti tehnički sistemi odnosno proizvodi su suština mog životnog cilja, koji se ogleda kroz želju da život ljudi učinim što jednostavnijim i praktičnijim. Upravo ovaj smjer mi omogućava da moj cilj u budućnosti doživi epitet ostvarivog i realnog, za šta se iskreno nadam da će biti tako“, navodi Kusmuk. U nastavku navodi kako je kroz višegodišnje obrazovanje imao priliku da na različitim mjestima prisustvuje predavanjima mnogih uvaženih učitelja, nastavnika, profesora i asistenata, te da čita mnoge radove i dijela mnogih autora. Dodaje kako je svaki od njih imao veliki značaj za njegov lični razvoj, oblikujući njegove stavove i šireći vidike. Svi oni imaju vrlo inspirativne priče i ciljeve kojim su nadahnuli pozitivnom energijom mnoge studente oko sebe.

Doprinos nauci

„Ta inspiracija se ne ogleda samo kroz karijeru, već je to jedna škola za sve životne puteve, padove i uspone koji nas vode do ostvarenja cilja. Njihova nastojanja da doprinesu nauci, prenesu kvalitetno znanje i učestvuju u razvoju novih mladih naučnika koji će pratiti njihove stope, čini ih izuzetnim ličnostima, koje su ostavile dubok trag u izgradnji mene kao budućeg inženjera i običnog građanina. Ne bih se usudio da izdvojim nekoga, a da pri tome ne navedem i druge. Bojim se da za takvo nešto nema dovoljno prostora, pa ću samo iskoristiti priliku da se zahvalim svim profesorima na Mašinskom fakultetu u Istočnom Sarajevu, te ostalom nastavnom osoblju iz drugih obrazovnih ustanova, koje sam imao priliku da pohađam, na nesebično prenesenom znanju i zalaganju da steknem što kvalitetnije obrazovanje“, navodi Kusmuk.

Kusmuk je ove godine dobitnik stipendije BH Future Foundation na čelu sa Eddiem Čustovićem.“Prije svega želio bih da se zahvalim fondaciji, na čelu sa profesorom Čustovićem na ukazanom povjerenju i na tome što su prepoznali moj trud i uspjeh. Osjećam se zaista sretno, jer pored finansijske pomoći koja je studentima uvijek vrlo značajna dobio sam puno više. Kao alumni ove stipendije, dobio sam priliku da budem dio jedne vrlo kvalitetne i plemenite misije, čiji je glavni kreator profesor Čustović, zajedno sa svojim bratom. Sama stipendija je osmišljena tako da nam pruži priliku da sarađujemo sa mnogim svjetskim stručnjacima na raznim projektima, ali i da radimo praksu u laboratoriji La Trobe Innovation & Entrepreneurship Foundry (LIEF), što je vrlo pozitivna stvar uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da su mogućnosti za praksu u našoj državi vrlo male. Čovjek uvijek gaji nadu da će sve stvari biti onakve kakve ih zamišlja, pa sam i ja istom logikom nadao se da ću dobiti stipendiju“, navodi Kusmuk te dodaje kako od samog početka nije mogao biti siguran da će biti među troje izabranih. „Svjestan sam činjenice da uvijek postoje drugi studenti koji imaju kvalitetniju aplikaciju, bolje uspjehe i veće iskustvo od mene. Drago mi je da je moja aplikacija, sumirajući moje iskustvo i uspjehe, prepoznata kao jedna od onih koje zaslužuju mjesto među prve tri. Pored same misije, koja me je oduševila, to mi je dodatna motivacija da nastavim ovim putem i potrudim se da pomognem fondaciji u daljem radu“, dodaje. Za kraj navodi kako je veliki vizionar, sa puno ideja i planova. Iako za neke nije siguran, druge je već zapisao na svoju „to do“ listu. „Glavni cilj, koji nije vezan za blisku budućnost, već za cijeli život je da neprestano težim ka ličnom i profesionalnom usavršavanju kroz formalno i neformalno obrazovanje. Nakon završenih osnovnih studija planiram da nastavim dalje sa studiranjem. Pored toga nastojim da unesem inovativnosti i da kroz aktivnu ulogu građanina ove države radim na promjenama, koje će pozitivno uticati na životni standard i pozicioniranje države u svijetu. Nadam se da ću uspjeti u svojim namjerama, kroz podršku divnih ljudi koji me okružuju“, kaže Kusmuk.

Centar Litteratus – Hazim Okanović

-- Translation -- 

"Mechanical engineering is a blend of mechanics, mathematics, art, visual presentation and development of technical systems as a result of user needs."

Third year undergraduate Mechanical Engineering student at the University of East Sarajevo, Milan Kusmuk is the recipient of multiple scholarships. One of the most noteworthy scholarships received by Milan was from the German province of Baden-Wuerttemberg, which enabled him to participate in a one-year AFS intercultural learning and exchange of high school students program. Kusmuk is also the recipient of the "Dr Milan Jelic" and Iceland Futures Foundation scholarship, through which he was given the opportunity to continue his career working with Emeritus world experts on various projects. "In my spare time I enjoy reading about philosophy, psychology and management, because I think that these are matters that every man should be familiar with in addition to their profession as a basis for a better interpersonal, emotional and spiritual life. Besides studying I dedicate a lot of my time to volunteering. As an American Field Service (AFS) alumni, committed volunteer and hard worker, I was elected President of the Board of UG 'Intercultural encounters in Bosnia and Herzegovina’ the association conducted by AFS programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the ‘Director of the Representation of AFS Intercultural Programs, Inc. in Bosnia and Herzegovina’", Kusmuk remarks at the beginning of his conversation with Gojak. We asked him about his interests at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of East Sarajevo and he responded that he had a desire to combine various fields that he would like to work with in the future, which have kept him motivated. He believes that mechanical engineering is a blend of mechanics, mathematics, art, visual presentation and development of technical systems as a result of user needs. He also states that the advantage of mechanical engineering in comparison to other engineering areas is very significant, and that it is actually engineering science, because it requires cooperation between different areas of engineering to succeed.

Expanding knowledge

If we look around ourselves we can be sure that the engineers have became the builders of our future deciding in which way education will develop, how fast, but most importantly they decide the economical, political and life standard of not only individuals but societies, countries entirely.  An example to consider from the mechanical engineering field includes transportation, informational technology in the form of electro-technology, as well as the creation of implantations and devices used for medical purposes as a combination of the two fields. “Where technical education is high with major investments, that signifies a country and economy to be awed“, notes Kusmuk. We asked him if there is a specific field of study that interested him the most on which he replies how from the very beginning of his education he had been interested in the engineering and design of products, which is also the title of the degree that Milan is studying. “With this specialization I have narrowed down the opportunities for my future career choices. Engineering design/constructions represents creative process and the first phase in the product lifetime - the making of a product. [Mechanical Engineering] gives me the opportunity to turn my ideas and knowledge about the process of constructing complete technical system. Those technical systems or products are actually my life goals, which is also a mirror of my wish to make and simplify the life of individuals. I honestly hope that this field allows my future goals to become reality”, says Kusmuk. He also states how through his education he had many opportunities to attend various lectures given by world-renowned students, lecturers, professors and tutors, and also to read several papers written by numerous authors. He also states how each one of them had a significant impact for his personal development, shaping and widening his outlooks. “All of them have inspiring stories and goals, which they’ve used to fulfil students with positive energy, including myself”, notes Kusmuk.

Sharing Knowledge

Inspiration is not only exhibited through careers, rather it is the paths of life, the falls and rises that have supported us in attaining our goals. It is the desire to bring something to education, to share quality knowledge and inspire young scholars, who will follow [your] footsteps that makes them unique individuals, which leave deep impressions in me as a future engineers and citizens. I don’t dare to pinpoint an individual, then to note others. I worry that there is not enough room for something like that, so I will take this opportunity to thank all my professors at the Mechanical Engineering University in Eastern Sarajevo, amongst other academic staff, who have endlessly shared their understanding and contributed their effort to my education, remarks Kusmuk.

This year Kusmuk received the BH Futures Foundation, which is oversighted by Eddie Custovic. ‘Before anything, I would like to thank the foundation and professor Custovic for his trust in my abilities as well as the recognition of my ethic and effort. I truly feel grateful, because besides the financial funds that are always significant to students, I feel that I have received much more. As an alumnus of this scholarship, I feel as though I am a part of a high-quality and noble mission that was begun by professor Custovic and his brother. The scholarship itself was envisioned to give us opportunities to work with many world-renowned experts across various projects, including labs in the La Trobe Innovation & Entrepreneurship Foundry (LIEF) lab, which I believe is an extraordinary life-chance, considering that the prospects in our country are so limited. People always hope that things will turn out to be the way that they imagine, and with this same logic I hoped that I would receive this scholarship’, says Kusmuk. He adds he wasn’t too sure that he would be picked as one of the three candidates for the scholarship at the beginning of the selection process. ‘I am aware of the reality that there are other students who may have better applications, success and more experience than I have. I am really glad that my application, which summarized my experience and successes, has been recognised as one of the top three. Besides the positive impact that the mission of the foundation has had on me personally, I feel that I am motivated to support the foundation is achieving it’s goals for the future’, he remarks. At the end of the conversation, he notes that he is a visionary with many ideas and plans. Even though he isn’t completely certain about all of them, he already has a ‘to-do’ list planned. ‘My main goal, which isn’t necessarily in the near-future is to always keep refining my formal and non-formal education. After completing my bachelors, I intend to continue my studies. And besides my academic goals, I plan to stay an innovative and active citizen of this country to create changes, which will positively benefit on the life-standards and position of this country in the world. I hope that I will achieve my goals, through the support of the wonderful individuals which surround me daily’, concludes Kusmuk.

Centar Litteratus – Hazim Okanović