Aspire to Inspire – Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation


Hello everyone! My name is Mersiha Ćeranić. Currently, I’m doing an internship at Mistral Company in Sarajevo. On Friday, as a part of the English and Soft Skills lesson, I had a task to do a presentation, where we could choose a topic of our interest. I decided to do a presentation on the topic: “Aspire to Inspire – Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation”, as an endless source of my inspiration and motivation for everything I do.

During my talk on Friday afternoon, I provided mentors and colleagues with some background on Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation, why it is so important for me, but also for our community and what I have achieved as a member of BHFF. I was talking about a vision of BH Futures Foundation to transform the lives of talented youth and break down ethnic barriers in Bosnia and Herzegovina through the power of technology, education and leadership. Throughout the presentation, I introduced the public about Opening Futures Makerspace in Srebrenica and the workshops Hello everyone! BH Futures Foundation volunteers are leading every week in Makerspace in Srebrenica, and many more amazing things people in BH Futures Foundation are doing to make our community a better place to live in. Ambassadors of Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation are everywhere, spreading out positive energy, motivation and inspiration.


In the end, here is a little clip from my speech (how my connection with BH Futures Foundation actually started): „When I started preparing for this talk, I was reminded of the time I decided I want to be part of Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation. That was in November last year, during the IEEE BiH Students and Young Professionals Congress 2018. I was participant at this Congress, where I met Eddie Čustović, one of the founders of BH Futures Foundation. After attending his lecture, I decided to go meet him. I just loved the way Eddie encouraged and motivated all the people in the room during the lecture (and he still does). I introduced myself and during the introduction, he said to me: „Stop and look behind you at what you have accomplished. Take a breath and never think that what you have achieved so far is a little.“ I felt like I can do anything at that moment.“