Scholars participate in live surgery

As part of the scholarships within BH Futures Foundation, student gain numerous benefits. One of their core learning activities are passion projects in which they work as a team on a project which they are deeply passionate about. The “Future Science” team (Hana Babić, Hana Hadžić, Ajla Isaković and Emina Očuz) embarked on a fascinating journey as part of their Passion Project. They followed surgical procedure at Tataragić Veterinary Clinic where Veterinarian Sanja performed a castration and dental cleaning under inhalation anaesthesia. This hands-on experience provided valuable insights and information into veterinary medicine and surgical techniques needed for their Passion Project.

Their main goal is to discover the effects of inhalation anaesthesia on animals during surgery. The plan was to visit the veterinary station where we would learn about the procedure itself. The next step is to write a short review article that we will hopefully publish in one of the journals in BH and thereby raise awareness of the benefits of inhalation anaesthesia.

The foundation would like to sincerely thank Tataragic Veterinary Clinic for hosting our scholars

Eddie Custovic