Meet Adna Cosic - Scholarship Recipient Dec 2016
Adna Cosic received a Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation 12 month scholarship to study mechanical engineering at the University of Zenica.
Ms. Adna Cosic with with Foundation Founder and Chair Prof. dr. Eddie Custovic. Adna was awarded a 12 month scholarship to study mechanical enigneering at the University of Zenica.
Adna Cosic received a Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation 12 month scholarship to study mechanical engineering at the University of Zenica. The scholarship was presented to Adna at the IEEE Student & Young Professional Congress, held in Sarajevo from the 1-4 of December 2016.
About Adna
My name is Adna, Adna Cosic. Presently, I reside in the beautiful city of Zenica, located in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I was brought to this world on August 26th 1997, in the early hours of a sunlit Tuesday. Since then I have experienced a wonderful 19 years of life, filled with numerous memories and accomplishments. My earliest recollections of success date back to 2004, when I became a member of a local folk dance troupe, which facilitated the promotion of the rich culture and heritage of BiH. Besides my strong passion for endorsing the sustenance of culture, I actively participated in various extracurricular activities during my elementary school education. Persisting with equal momentum throughout secondary school eventuated in recognition and awards for my efforts. I was bestowed as the student of my generation, first place at the literature competition for secondary students and praised for my leadership capabilities, as part of the first-aid student organization. My successful realization of the project ‘Most Prijateljestva’ (Friendship Bridge), which was funded by the international organization ‘Infohouse’ was also highlighted for its innovative composition.
However, when I appraise my achievements, I highlight one that I am most proud of and that is - my involvement with the Red Cross charity services. In my three years of volunteer work at the Red Cross, I have established many friendships, attended several seminars, conferences, educations camps and workshops. Through these various events, I have had the opportunity to experience being an animator for DDK, a trauma make-up artist and a coordinator for work with the elderly & young, which I found to be valuable life lessons. Lastly, the involvement in the organisation has enabled the establishment of ‘U kutiju ubaci’, which is another project that I supported through my volunteer work.
Besides my contributions to the Red Cross, I am also a board member of the Multiethnic Committee of Zenica. I truly believe that being exposed to multiethnic discussions has positively altered my own view of the political and social state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Likewise, I feel that I have gained a better understanding of the three ethnicities residing in the country, as well as their unique customs and religious festivities.
Whilst completing secondary school, in collaboration with my peers from ASuBiH, I also used my efforts to educate and inform my peers about their rights and responsibilities towards society, through various social activities.
I believe that all these extracurricular activities have shaped my personality and have given me the courage to attain my academic goals. I have recently begun my academic journey at the University of Engineering in Zenica, with a specialisation in technological product management. In the second week of my tertiary studies, I joined the Student Association and faculty disciplinary board, which I hope will broaden my future prospects.
Through my engineering studies I was also invited to participate in the IEEE BiH Student and Young Professional Congress, which was one of the most excellent events. I was honoured to have the opportunity to meet with exceptional guests and academics.
In the spare moments that I find between my academic and volunteering duties, I also enjoy literature, art and learning foreign languages, whilst perfecting the fluency of my native dialect.
Inherently, I am an exceedingly social person, who enjoys nature, culture and arts. I would definitely describe myself as an optimist who is using education as a method of transforming my imagination into reality.
------------------------- Bosnian Version-----------------------------------------
Moje ime je Adna. Adna Čosić. Stanovnica sam lijepog grada Zenice, u još ljepšoj nam Bosni i Hercegovini. Dođoh na svijet jednog toplog utorka, u ranim jutarnjim satima, tog 26. augusta 1997. godine. Od tada, pa do danas, proživjeh lijepih, čak prelijepih, 19 godina, gdje stade mnoštvo uspomena i uspjeha. Prve uspomene sežu u 2004. godinu kada postadoh članom folklornog društva, gdje dugi niz godina, u raznim gradovima, promovisah kulturu i tradiciju, kako gore rekoh, naše lijepe BiH. Kroz osnovnu školu aktivno učestvovah u svim nastavnim i vannastavnim aktivnostima. Istim tempom nastavih i u srednjoj školi, Mješovitoj srednjoj školi, gdje pohađah smjer Poslovno-pravni tehničar. Uspjeh u srednjoj školi krunisah diplomom učenika generacije, a dodjeliše mi diplomu i za uspješno realizovan projekat "Most prijateljstva", finansiran od strane organizacije Infohouse, također priznanje za uspješno vođenu sekciju prve pomoći, te diplomu za osvojeno prvo mjesto na festivalu srednjih škola iz predmeta Knjigovodstvo.
Ono na što sam posebno ponosna jeste trogodišnji volonterski rad u Crvenom križu, gdje stekoh mnogo prijatelja, podržah mnogobrojne akcije, prisustvovah raznim seminarima, konferencijama, edukacijama, kampovima i radionicama. Ovdje se ostvarih i u ulozi animatora za DDK, trauma make-up artist-a, koordinatora za rad sa starim licima, kao i sa djecom, što je posebna draž volonterskog rada, a tu je također i realizovan projekat "U kutiju ubaci".
Pored Crvenog križa, svoj doprinos dadoh i Odboru za međureligijsku saradnju u Zenici. Smatram da iskustvo stečeno u ovoj organizaciji i te kako pozitivno utjecaše na moj lični stav u vezi sa teritorijalnom podjelom BiH i njena tri konstitutivna naroda, a željela bih istaći i bogatije znanje o običajima i praznicima drugih vjera.
Dok pohađah srednju školu, trudih se da poboljšam položaj srednjoškolaca sa svojim kolegama iz ASuBiH-a, kroz razne aktivnosti, kojima smo doprinijeli većoj svijesti srednjoškolaca o njihovim pravima, ali i obavezama.
Sve ove aktivnosti utjecaše na izgradnju moje ličnosti i ohrabriše me da krenem ka ispunjenju svog sna glede obrazovanja, pa tako upisah Mašinski fakultet u Zenici, odsjek Menadžment proizvodnim tehnologijama. Već druge sedmice postadoh članom Asocijacije studenata Mašinskog fakulteta, te članom disciplinske komisije.
Oblast za koju se opredijelih, odnosno inžinjering me dovede na IEEE BiH Student and Young Professional Congress, koje je jedno od ljepših iskustava u mom životu, i tu provedoh prelijepo vrijeme u ugodnom društvu odličnih ljudi, što je velika čast za mene.
U minutama slobodnog vremena, kojeg nađem između obaveza prema fakultetu i volonterskog rada, čitam knjige, crtam, samostalno učim strane jezike i usavršavam maternji.
Po prirodi sam jako društvena osoba, volim prirodu, kulturu i umjetnost. Vječiti sam optimista i učim kako bih svoju maštu pretvorila u stvarnost.