Dalibor Djumic receives Foundation Award for Project
Dalibor Djumic received an award from the Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation for his excellent research work. His project was tittled "Arrows System".
Dalibor Djumic receiving the 1st place award from Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation Founder & Chair Dr. Edhem (Eddie) Custovic.
Dalibor Djumic was a participant in the IEEE Student & Young Professional Congress held in Sarajevo from 1-4 December 2016. He took part in the research & development poster presentation session and received an award from the Bosnia & Herzegovina Futures Foundation for his outstanding work on the project "Arrows System". A judging panel of 10 made up of international and local industry and academia experts selected Dalibor's project and he was awarded 1st place. The foundation was an official partner of the IEEE Student & Young Professional Congress.
About Dalibor
I am Dalibor Đumić and i'm 22. I am studying for bachelor studies of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at International Burch University. I am hearing impaired person with 92% of hearing loss. I was always interested in science and nowadays I am following my dreams, the dreams about making innovations which will make world the better place. My the biggest motivation is my family and I love them so much. Everything what I do is dedicated to them. BH Futures Foundation is a foundation that is itself unique because the founders are people who once lived in Bosnia and Herzegovina and migrated out abroad in search for a better life. The move of these people to establish the said foundation is what I really commend because in BiH departure BH youth outside hte borders of Bosnia and Hercegovina became a trend.
Plenty of these young people succeed abroad and forget about life in Bosnia and Herzegovina which they had left and no action from them is taken to help people in BiH who are in the same situation they themselves were. That's why this foundation is unique for me because it's the work of people who left BiH in order to have a better life and now they returned back and will do great things.
For me the greatest motivation are the people in the environment I live in. Everyone knows about our mentality, how many people are passive and pessimistic, they talk a lot, they work very little, envious of each other and etc, with the exception of some individuals. All of these things forces me to become a dynamic, forcing to constantly move on, to learn new things and progress more. For me, day is wasted if it passed as as it did a day earliery, so I try to make a good use of new 24 hours and learn new things that will be of great use in my life.
The award means to me as a sign that I'm on the right track and gives me an incentive for further progressing in order to reach the level engineer who is able to change the world for the better with invetions, projects and innovations. My biggest dream is to be a world-renowned engineer from a small Bosnia and Herzegovina, for which people say it's like impossible. To these people I would say that the environment should not be taken as a reason for inability to progress, but it needs to take itself in sense that it requires self-sacrifice, investement in the knowledge and its dissemination.
------------Bosnian Version------------------------------
"Bh Futures Foundations" je fondacija koja je sama po sebi jedinstvena jer su osnivaèi
ljudi koji su nekada živjeli u BiH te emigrirali iz nje u inostranstvo u potrazi za
boljim životom. Potez da ti isti ljudi osnuju navedenu fondaciju zaista pohvaljujem jer je u BiH odlazak BH omladine van granica Bosne i Hercegovine postao trend. Dosta takvih mladih ljudi uspiju u inostranstvu te zaborave na život u BiH kojeg su napustili i ne poduzimaju ništa da pomognu ljudima u BiH koji su u situaciji kakvoj su i oni sami bili. Zbog toga je ova fondacija za mene jedinstvena jer je to djelo osoba koje su napustili BiH da bi pronašli bolji život te su se vratili u BiH i èine velike stvari kako bi joj pomogli.
Za mene najveæa motivacija jesu ljudi oko mene u okolini gdje živim. Svima je poznato kakav je naš mentalitet, koliko su ljudi pasivni i pesimistièni, puno prièaju, malo rade, zavide jedni drugima te malo toga poduzimaju, izuzev pojedinaca za koje skidam kapu s glave. Sva ta statiènost me tjera da postanem dinamièan, da se stalno kreæem, da uèim nove stvari i da što više napredujem. Za mene je dan propao ako je prošao jednako kao juèerašnji, stoga se trudim da dobro iskoristim nova 24h i da uèim nove stvari koje æe mi biti od velike koristi u životu.
Nagrada za mene znaèi kao znak da sam na dobrom putu i daje mi podstrek da još više napredujem kako bih dostigao nivo inžinjera koji je u stanju promijeniti svijet na bolje svojim izumima, projektima i inovacijama. Moj najveæi san je biti svjetski priznat inžinjer iz jedne male Bosne i Hercegovine, za koju svi kažu da je u njoj nemoguæe uspjeti. Tim ljudima poruèujem da ne treba uzimati okolinu kao razlog nemoguænost napretka, veæ da treba uzeti samog sebe u smislu da se treba žrtvovati, ulagati u vlastito znanje i širenje znanja.