To the moon and back: BH Futures Foundation and SYNERGY MOON, a Google Lunar XPRIZE Finalist, Announce a Strategic Partnership to Deliver World-Class Opportunities for Students in Bosnia & Herzegovina
Strategic partnership formed with Google Lunar X Prize finalist to support education and professional development of students studying engineering, science, mathematics or related field in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Synergy Moon plans to use a rocket developed by one of its partners, Interorbital Systems, to launch its moon spacecraft
BH Futures Foundation, a non-for-profit organization aiming to transform the lives of talented youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) through the power of technology, education and leadership and SYNERGY MOON, a collaboration of individuals representing over 15 countries in the pioneering of human space travel and interplanetary exploration as part of the Google Lunar X Prize competition are delighted to announce a new strategic partnership. The announcement comes on the back of the recent media coverage (View Article) announcing that Synergy Moon was one of the 5 finalist in the competition which commenced in 2007. The objective of the partnership is to support gifted students from BiH in the fields of engineering and related studies by encouraging them to participate in global space-exploration programs that will break down ethnic barriers in and bring beneficial change for humanity.
Nebojsa Stanojevic, Team Leader, SYNERGY MOON commented “As we enter a new era of interplanetary explorations, organizations must cooperate to solve complex concepts for the development of the human family. We at SYNERGY MOON believe that there is no better way to support this process than to motivate and draw energy from talented youth, this is why we are working with BH Futures Foundation, a non-for-profit organization that will give us contact to the most innovative young minds in BiH. This new collaboration represents the belief, that in order for the space enterprise community to maintain its edge in the global space market, our future workforce is [must] consist of engineers, scientists and mathematicians who think like artists, as highlighted by California Space Authority Board Member, Celeste Volz Ford.”
“We are more than pleased to form a strategic partnership with SYNERGY MOON. By combining BH Futures Foundations’ ability to recognise raw engineering and science talent from BiH and simultaneously providing scholarship winners access to major space exploration programs, mentorships and global development projects through alliance with SYNERGY MOON, we can define exciting new opportunities for engineering transformation in BiH. Our foundation is connecting with like minded individuals and organisations around the world with a vision of creating new opportunities for the youth of Bosnia & Herzegovina.” said Edhem (Eddie) Custovic, Founder of BH Futures Foundation and Engineering Academic at La Trobe University, Australia.
BH Futures Foundation and SYNERGY MOON will be working together to ensure that the youth of BiH are given world-class opportunities to develop their analytical, technical and professional skills, making them internationally employable. This opportunity is driven by the passion and dedication of E. Custovic and N. Stanojevic, who were both born and raised in Tuzla, Bosnia & Herzegovina, see this partnership as an opportunity to change the lives of young people in BiH.
About BH Futures Foundation
Established in 2015 by Edhem (Eddie) Custovic and his brother Resad Custovic, BH Futures Foundation offers academic opportunities and financial assistance to support disadvantaged students in achieving excellence and their career ambitions in engineering or related fields of study. Since its establishment BH Futures Foundation has awarded multiple scholarships, provided access to global education platforms and mentors, as well as opportunities for collaboration with industry leaders in engineering. Learn more about BH Futures Foundation at
About Synergy Moon
Collaborating internationally, Team SYNERGY MOON of the Google Lunar XPRIZE competition, actively promotes international cooperation in space exploration and development. Using their inventive abilities, team-members of SYNERGY MOON intends to prove that an international, private-sector team can do what has never been done before: move private enterprise into space beyond Earth orbit. SYNERGY MOON are pioneers in human space travel and interplanetary exploration. Their technological innovations will make manned orbital travel, personal satellite launches, and Solar System exploration cost-effective, and above all, possible for everyone. Apart from their mission to win the Google Lunar XPRIZE competition, we are working toward the development of a suite of space exploration & adventuring technologies and service offerings. Learn more about SYNERGY MOON
About the Google Lunar XPRIZE
The $30M Google Lunar XPRIZE is an unprecedented competition to challenge and inspire engineers and entrepreneurs from around the world to develop low-cost methods of robotic space exploration. To win the Google Lunar XPRIZE, a privately funded team must successfully place a robot on the Moon’s surface that explores at least 500 meters and transmits high-definition video and images back to Earth. Visit XPRIZE for more information.
XPRIZE, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is the global leader in designing and implementing innovative competition models to solve the world’s grandest challenges. Active competitions include the $30M Google Lunar XPRIZE, the $20M NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE, the $15M Global Learning XPRIZE, the $10M Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE, the $7M Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, the $7M Barbara Bush Foundation Adult Literacy XPRIZE, the $5M IBM Watson AI XPRIZE, the $1.75M Water Abundance XPRIZE and the $1M Anu & Naveen Jain Women’s Safety XPRIZE. For more information, visit XPRIZE.
Eddie Custovic
BH Futures Foundation
Founder and Chair of Board
Nebojsa Stanojevic
Synergy Moon
Team Leader
Belma Telalovic
BH Futures Foundation
Marketing Communications Coordinator
--------------Bosnian Version------------------------------------------------------------------
Do Mjeseca i natrag: BH Futures Foundation i SYNERGY MOON formiraju strateško partnerstvo kako bi studentima iz Bosne i Hercegovine omogućili da steknu internacionalno iskustvo
Saradnja je ostvarena u nadi da podrži obrazovanje i profesionalni razvoj studenata inženjeringa, nauke, matematike i srodnih oblasti u Bosni i Hercegovini.
BH Futures Fondacija, je neprofitna organizacija čiji je cilj da obogati znanje talentovanih mladih ljudi u Bosni i Hercegovini kroz moć tehnologije, obrazovanja, liderstva a sada i partnerstva sa SYNERGY MOON, kojeg predstavlja grupa pojedinaca iz više od 15 zemalja koje predvodi u pionirskim putovanjima kroz prostor i svemirskom istraživanju u sklopu Google Lunar XPrize takmičenja. Sa zadovoljstvom najavljujemo naše novo strateško partnerstvo čiju najavu prati i odlična vijest a to je da je tim SYNERGY MOON jedan od 5 finalista takmičenja koje je počelo 2007. godine pod nazivom Google Lunar Xprize.
Više informacija o takmičenju možete naći na:
Cilj partnerstva jeste da podrži nadarene studente iz BiH u oblasti inženjeringa i srodnih studija ohrabrujući ih da učestvuju u globalnim programima i istraživanju svemira koja će srušiti etničke barijere i donijeti korisne promjene za čovječanstvo.
NebojšaStanojević, vođa tima SYNERGY MOON, prokomentarisao je "Kako ulazimo u novu eru međuplanetarnog istraživanja, organizacije moraju sarađivati da bi riješili složenije koncepte za razvoj ljudske porodice. Mi u SYNERGY MOON-u vjerujemo da ne postoji bolji način da se podrži ovaj proces nego motivirati i crpiti energiju iz talentovanih mladih ljudi, i to je razlog zašto radimo sa BiH Futures Fondacijom koja će nas spojiti sa najinovativnijim mladim umovim u BiH.“ Ova nova saradnja predstavlja vjerovanje, jer da bi čovječanstvo zadržalo svoju prednost na globalnom istraživanju svemira, budućnost naše radne snage se mora sastoji od inženjera, naučnika i matematičara koji misle kao umjetnici, ističe Celeste Volz Ford članica Odbora, California Space Authority.
"Mi smo više nego zadovoljni zbog formiranja partnerstva sa SYNERGY MOON. Kombinirajući sposobnost BH Futures Fondacije da prepozna talentovane inženjere iz BiH i istovremeno pružajući stipendistima pristup velikim svemirskim istraživačkim programima, mentorstvu i globalnim projektima razvoja, kroz partnerstvo sa SYNERGY MOON možemo definirati uzbudljive nove mogućnosti za transformaciju inženjeringa u BiH. " rekao je Edhem (Eddie) Čustović, osnivač Fondacije BH Futures Foundation i profesor inženjeringa na La Trobe univerzitetu u Australiji.
BH Futures Foundation i SYNERGY MOON će raditi zajedno kako bi osigurali da se mladim ljudima u BiH pruže svjetske mogućnosti kako bi razvili analitičke, tehničke i profesionalne sposobnosti, što će im dati šansu za internacionalno zapošljavanje. E. Čustović i N. Stanojević, koji su rođeni i odrasli u Tuzli kroz forimranje ovog partnerstva vide veliku priliku za pozitivne promjene života mladih ljudi u BiH.
O BH Futures Foundation
Edhem - Eddie Čustović i njegov brat Rešad Čustović osnovali su BH Futures Foundation 2015. godine. Fondacija pruža akademsku podršku i finansijsku pomoć studentima u materijalno nepovoljnom položaju u postizanju izvrsnosti i njihovih ambicija u inženjeringu i srodnim oblastima studija. Od svog osnivanja BH Futures Foundation je studenima dodijelila nekoliko stipendija, omogućila pristup globalnim edukativnim platformama i mentorima, kao i mogućnost za saradnju sa liderima industrije u inženjeringu.
Saznajte više o BH Futures Foundation na
O Synergy Moon
SYNERGY MOON čini grupa ljudi koja radi na realizaciji saradnje na međunarodnom nivou u istraživanju i razvoju svemirskog prostora. SYNERGY MOON se trenutno takmiči za Google Lunar Xprize u nadi da će djelovati na metode svemirskog istraživanja. Koristeći svoje inovantivne sposobnosti, članovi tima SYNERGIE MOON namjeravaju dokazati da ovaj međunarodno raznoliki tim koji je osnovan iz privatnog sektora za razvoj međuplanetarnog istraživanja može učiniti ono što nikada prije nije učinjeno: premjestiti privatni enterprise u prostor izvan Zemljine orbite. SYNERHIE MOON tim je pionir u ljudskom putovanja u svemir i međuplanetarnom istraživanju. Njihove tehnološke inovacije će omogućiti orbitalna putovanja posade, privatna satelitska lansiranja, a istraživanje Sunčevog sistema isplativa i iznad svega, moguća za svakoga. Osim njihove želje da pobjede u Google Lunar XPrize takmičenju, SYNERGY MOON se nada da će jednog dana putovanja svemirom biti moguća za sve, kao i korištenje svemirskog prostora.
Saznajte više o SYNERGY MOON na
O Google Lunar XPRIZE
30 miliona $ Google Lunar XPrize je bez presedana takmičenje koje je izazov, inspiracija i prilika inženjerima iz cijelog svijeta da razviju jeftinije metode robotskog i svemirskog istraživanja. Za pobjedu na takmičenju, pobjednički tim mora osmisliti, napraviti i lansirati uređaje koji bi trebao uspješno sletjeti na Mjesec, istraživati ga najmanje 500 metara a istovremeno prenositi video i slike visoke rezolucije natrag na Zemlju.
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